Sheep & Goat Semen Collection

As a leader in advanced animal reproduction products, Agtech is the best place to turn for the instruments and consumables required for goat and sheep semen collection and processing. Breeders and reproduction service providers look to us to provide them with the widest assortment of quality, field-proven equipment and medium for goat and sheep semen collection, extending, packaging and cryopreservation. They know they can depend on us to provide them with everything they need for goat and sheep semen freezing, preserving and collecting.


Our broad product line for goat and sheep semen includes artificial vaginas, liners, filters, Therio-gel, extenders, straws, goblets and canes for packaging, and cryogenic equipment. Browse our inventory here, then conveniently place your order with us.


We all know how many steps are required to be successful in the ET business. One wrong step and the whole process suffers. I have never had Agtech products fail me and that is crucial.

Toby Muller, Ultra Ova

The class exceeded expectations. With the limited experience I had before the class I didn't expect to cover so much ground in 2 days. I feel like I can accomplish the goals I set for...

Anthony Saylor
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